Sunday, July 15, 2007

I felt so good...

Yeah, I can't resist telling this even if this may not sound so tell able...

I am living on a sublease this summer.For that matter,I was in spring too. A true wanderer I have been.Changing homes every semester!! Anyways. In the present apartment, I have 1960 Zenith color TV in my own room.I have an Universal RCA remote control too:)

Now I had a situation today in the evening.I went to sleep around 6 pm- a short evening snap.And woke up at 7. And then carried out some personal work till it was 11.It was time to take dinner.Sat for dinner with pizza on plate in my room and tried to hook on my TV.But things were not fine. The remote control wasn't responding.I played with some function buttons on the remote control but to no good.I had to manually turn on the TV and select a channel.Remote control to my agony was dead.

Anyways, I enjoyed the pizza though with the thought of dysfunctional remote control on the back of my mind throughout.When I was done with my dinner, I set to resolve the problem.

I first tried out figure out what could have caused the problem.Battery drainage seemed the most probable cause.Fortunately, I had two spare batteries with me but changing them also didn't help.I was wondering what on earth made the remote control go berserk when it was very well functioning in the morning!! I was getting really desperate and anxious with no clue how to get around the problem.Manual shuffling of channel is unthinkable with the present living style.Probably, this was the first time I realized how revolutionary it would have been when remote control first came to the market.

However, I was bent on fixing the remote control.So I googled the web to seek some help.And to my relief, I found a few pages on RCA remote control support.I tried the instructions but apparently it was for remote control with a different set of buttons.Not all remote controls are the same:(

I kept breaking my head on the problem.But you know, hard work pays.To my ecstasy, eventually with hit and trial , I could manage to apply the instructions from web on my remote control and could reset and re-program the remote's working now!! I am able to shuffle through the TV channels.What a relief!!

I felt so good!!

And on hindsight, I believe I apparently slept in the evening with remote control underneath me and probably some magic combination of buttons got pressed rendering the remote control dysfunctional.Whew!!

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